Beach Rotonde
Zeedijk, Nieuwpoort
Beach Path No.:
Family Beach
Rotonde - Leopoldplein
- Parking Leopoldplein is nearby; ±450 m.
- Wheelchair accessible beach entrance (no stairs)
- Shower facilities
- Rental beach cabins
Dogs on beach
Dogs are prohibited on the beaches of Nieuwpoort during the period 15 June till 15 September.
- Outside of the above mentioned period are only leased dogs allowed on the beaches of Nieuwpoort.
Further, we also recommend reading the information board, with the local beach rules, which is often placed near every beach (entrance).
Nearest dog-friendly beach near Nieuwpoort
[svg-dog-on-leash]Leashed dogs are allowed all year round:
- from Christal Palace beach (at the Idyllelaan) heading west towards the border with the city of Nieuwpoort;
- between the Groenendijk beach (at the Paardevissersweg) heading towards Oostduinkerke up to the F. Timmermanslaan (length of dog beach ±1,625 meters).
These zones are indicated by a blue sign with the figure of a white dog.
Horses on beach
The traffic with horses is always prohibited:
- On the beach above the high water line;
- In the dunes, unless its purpose built riding trails.
And moreover, the riding is prohibited during the period from 1 June to 15 September, and between 08.00 and 19.00.