We would like to riding on the beach. At what riding stables is it possible to make a beach ride on a horse?
All information about horse riding on the beach or in the environment (including local riding schools) can be found on the riding page: https://nieuwpoort.org/en/horseback-riding.php
Are the beaches of Nieuwpoort free accessible?
Access to and use of the beaches of Nieuwpoort is (of course) free.
Are dogs allowed on the beaches of Nieuwpoort?
Dogs are prohibited on the beaches of Nieuwpoort during the period 15 June till 15 September.- Outside of the above mentioned period are only leased dogs allowed on the beaches of Nieuwpoort.
Further, we also recommend reading the information board, with the local beach rules, which is often placed near every beach (entrance).
Nearest dog-friendly beach near Nieuwpoort
[svg-dog-on-leash]Leashed dogs are allowed all year round:
These zones are indicated by a blue sign with the figure of a white dog.
We would like to riding on the beach. At what riding stables is it possible to make a beach ride on a horse?
The traffic with horses is always prohibited:
- On the beach above the high water line;
- In the dunes, unless its purpose built riding trails.
And moreover, the riding is prohibited during the period from 1 June to 15 September, and between 08.00 and 19.00.
What does the blue flag mean at the beaches?
The Blue Flag is an international environmental award, granted annually to beaches and marinas that participate in the campaign and have proven to be clean and safe.
The goal of the Blue Flag programme is to continuously involve governments, entrepreneurs, and recreational users in the care for clean and safe water, beautiful nature, and a healthy environment. Holding a Blue Flag is a recognition of the efforts made by the beach municipality or marina operator in this area. For tourists, the Blue Flag is internationally the recognition and quality symbol for good beaches and marinas.
What are the criteria for the beaches?
- The bathing water is of excellent quality.
- The beach is kept clean.
- There are enough toilets and waste bins on the beach.
- Rescue materials and a first aid post are available on the beach.
- Information activities are organized to protect the natural environment of the sea, beach, and dunes.
More information: https://www.blauwevlag.nl/
Can we rent a sunbeds, windbreakers, umbrellas and/or beach chairs on beach for a day in Nieuwpoort?
You can rent chairs, windbreakers and umbrellas at various beach pavilions in Nieuwpoort.
Is kitesurfing allowed everywhere for the beaches of Nieuwpoort or are there special beach areas?
Is kitesurfing allowed everywhere for the beaches of Nieuwpoort or are there special beach areas?
Does Nieuwpoort has a nude beach? And if so, where is that naturist beach?
Bredene is the first and only Belgian coastal town with a nude beach.
More information: https://bredene.org/en/beaches.php#nudist
Below is the location marked:
Where can I rent a beach cabin in Nieuwpoort?
[Answer in Dutch]
Strandcabines en -stoelen (verhuring)
Info: bvba Ternier H. & E. J. Cardijnlaan 42
tel 058 23 41 32
fax 058 23 29 49
I plan to spend a weekend in December in Nieuwpoort. Are all restaurants, beach pavilions and shops also open in the winter months?
Most shops, beach clubs, bars, terraces and restaurants remain open during the weekends in the low season. Many are also open throughout the week.
Each year the low season in Nieuwpoort begins after the autumn holidays till the beginning of the spring holidays. Several shops, beach clubs and restaurants use this period to rebuild, renew or for vacation. As a result, during this low season period, not all stores are opened every day.
Furthermore there is no general period when all the restaurants, bars and shops are closed. All entrepreneurs determine the temporary closure individually. Therefore is there are, also in the low season, enough shops and restaurants opened for you to enjoy.
Are there (free) public showers on the beach of Nieuwpoort?
There are free showers at various beaches in Nieuwpoort. Inter alia:
- https://nieuwpoort.org/en/beach/1104/leopoldplein.html
- https://nieuwpoort.org/en/beach/1102/sandeshooft.htmll
- https://nieuwpoort.org/en/beach/1101/badinstallatie.html
These beach showers are placed annually in early May and again removed from the beach at the end of September.
Are there in Nieuwpoort also beach wheelchairs available to borrow or for rent? And if so, where?
More information: https://nieuwpoort.org/pdf/2012_folder_belgie_zon_zee_zorgeloos.pdf
Are there certain rules for beach fishing in Nieuwpoort? For example, only from a specified time and / or location?
Sport fishing is allowed all year round from the eastern pier of Newport.